"When hibernating animals prepare for winter, their metabolism slows down, their sex drive wanes and they sleep in dens, surviving till spring on fat reserves."
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-94678/Tired-hungry-sad-Relax-youre-hibernating.html#ixzz2HxtN7UaI
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Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-94678/Tired-hungry-sad-Relax-youre-hibernating.html#ixzz2HxtN7UaI
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It's unfortunate that we make our resolutions about health and fitness during the time of year that's least likely to see us succeed. I recommend that you adjust your resolution, as follows, to incorporate the reality of your changing motivational levels, as the seasons unfold:
2013 Health & Fitness Resolution
Winter: Jan Feb Mch: I will do the research and prepare my health and fitness plan.
Spring: Apr May Jun: I will implement my plan, and complete a focused 90-day program.
Summer: July Aug Sep: I will adjust my plan for maintenance, and enjoy the fruits of my labour.
Fall: Oct Nov Dec: I will be gentle on myself, and allow my body to adjust to the coming season.
Some people will say that I'm a cheater; that I give myself too many outs; that this isn't how you do a successful body transformation. I say that I'm a realist; I look at people's results and seek ways to work around their natural tendencies, to achieve the outcomes that they're working towards.
Whenever you set a goal, you are going from somewhere you aren't, to somewhere you want to be. There are many reasons why you aren't there and, if you were, you'd be striving to get somewhere else! We are solution-oriented beings, and are always seeking something. But often, we're fighting our natural tendencies to get there. So I say, let's tell the truth and that way, we are more prepared for the battles that lie ahead for us.
And this is the reality of trying to accomplish your heath and fitness goals in the winter. As I write this blog post, it's 8am. It is still quite dark outside, too dark for most people to be headed outside for a run. In fact, you're probably heading out the door to your job. Sure, you set your alarm and you dragged yourself into the shower with your eyes half shut. We've all gotta pay the rent. But the motivation to get up earlier, and fit in a workout, most likely just wasn't there.
Daylight motivates us; even when it's not sunny, it's a lot easier to get up and out, when the darkness has faded and the new day beckons. So quit beating yourself up because you're failing your fitness resolution. Instead, take this time to read, to research, to plan...you have a few weeks of darkness to survive yet, so make the most of it.
By April 1st, it's going to look a lot different around here at 8:00am. You'll be finished your workout by this hour, and finished your shower; you'll be heading off to work with that satisfied grin...the one that says, "I can conquer anything that the universe tosses at me today!"
Meanwhile, stick with me, kid. I'm creating a 90-day workout and nutrition regime, planned for April, May & June. Work with me, and you'll be fully prepared to show your best body this summer. For $49 a month, you'll get your fitness plan, your nutrition plan, recipes, e-mail and tele-coaching, a support network, and my personal guidance. And I'll be implementing the plan, right along with you! Watch for free weekly updates and homework, as we move towards the end of March!