Monday, November 06, 2006

Massive Amounts of Consistency

Good Morning, all of you with Weight Loss Goals and Dreams.

As the holiday season ramps up, I suggest you set some goals for your party-participation.

There's just no way we want to be walking into January 1st together, another 5-7 pounds behind the 8-ball.

On December 1st, we begin the planning phase of the Executive Challenge. Why are we planning? Why don't we just jump right in?

Because human nature says that change is difficult; that we resist change; some of us even hate changes that we know we have to make or that we know will be good for us.

December 1st is when we start focusing on the destination, not on the journey. There's your first pre-2007 goal right there. Join the Executive Challenge and get started on the path to Optimum Health.

The Executive Challenge is an opportunity for you to drop the excuses and cut the crap. We're not talking therapy here; if you need a therapist, I support you in getting one right now. The Challenge is about working with your mind and your body in a whole new way. Do I care why you've gained weight? Of course. But do I care more about how you're going to get it off and keep it off? You bet I do!

And am I going to try and prevent you from welcoming the New Year with additional baggage, in the form of a few extra pounds of blubber? I most definitely am!

Remember, the food industry IS AGAINST YOU! They simply want you to eat more and more of whatever they produce.

The beverage industry IS AGAINST YOU! There is very little that's good for you that comes out of a can or a bottle.

Even the exercise industry IS AGAINST YOU! They couldn't give a crap if you actually USE the machines and the gym memberships you buy - they only care that you spend your heard-earned money on their products and fatten their bank accounts!

In the words of Ralph Calzadilla, Fitness Pro, "As always, your ultimate success in achieving your goals is based on effective exercise (weight training and cardio), following a great nutrition plan and massive amounts of consistency. The formula never changes."

Signing up for the Executive Challenge will put the formula into your hands.

Send me an e-mail about getting on board at . I just know that you can Get Your Body Back...Billie

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