Sunday, February 21, 2010

Think...and Grow 90 Days!

In 1937, Napoleon Hill first published Think and Grow Rich, which was 25 years in the making. Since then, this marvelous little book has been read by countless thousands, many of whom claim that their personal and business success is the direct result of following Mr. Hill's template for achievement.

Here are the six steps, which you can find in full detail on Pg. 31:

1. Fix in your mind the exact goal you wish to accomplish.
2. Determine exactly what you are willing to give for this accomplishment (forget about something for nothing).
3. Establish a definite date when you intend for the goal to be accomplished.
4. Create a definite plan for the accomplishment of the goal, and begin at once (whether you are ready or not) to work your plan.
5. Write down a clear, concise statement of the goal, what you are willing to give, the exact date, and the plan.
6. Read your written statement aloud twice daily (immediately upon rising, and just before going to bed).

In November 2007, I competed in a Body Building competition. You can see some of my competition photos on my Facebook page. I owe my success as a competitor, and my personal success in my body transformation, to following the principles I've outlined above. I lost 20 pounds of body fat and, 15 days before my 50th birthday, I was in the best shape of my life!

If getting in shape and losing excess weight are your goals, please join me in my 90-Day Body Transformation Challenge. This is the right time of year to shed those unwanted winter pounds, and I have a proven plan to guide you with.

For your own copy of the downloadable e-book version of Think and Grow Rich, simply visit

For more information about the 90-Day Challenge, message me on Facebook, and let's get to work!

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