Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Transition to High Raw...

As some of you may know, I am currently in the process of transitioning to a High Raw Diet. In the future, I may yet go completely Raw Vegan, but that is a future chapter of my life. For now, I'm in the research phase, and am tasting and testing a lot of different things, preparing my grocery list for a full switch on May 1st.

And by the way, I LOVE carbs and starches, anything baked, BBQ chicken, and a host of other staples in the Standard American Diet (SAD) this is a big step that's been on my mind and in my plans for a long time.

So, about sprouting, here's a little something about my experience so far...

I bought some seed packets, and decided to sprout my radish seeds first...the seeds are really small, they required lots of work, such as frequent rinsing and being careful not to lose them down the sink drain! But they worked over about 3 days, they were cute and tasty, and my $2.99 investment netted me about 2 tablespoons of radish sprouts...a very tasty (albeit expensive and time-consuming) addition to my salad yesterday!

Onto garden peas now, which I purchased at 2 for $1 at Wonderbucks. I'll keep you posted!


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