Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Warning: This is NOT For The Faint of Heart

After reading the book, Diet for a New America, I became a vegetarian for a period of about a year. At the time, my family of 6 complied, and we simply didn't serve any meat products in our home, nor did we consume meat products at the homes of friends or at restaurants.

Not eating meat complicates life, I found. It opened up conversations that I just didn't always have the energy to entertain. I wasn't on a crusade. I had made that decision for personal reasons.

Now I'm a Nutritionist and a blogger. And it's often not as easy to keep my thoughts to myself as it once was.

That brings me to the topic of today's blog. Can you imagine that, in this intelligent, advanced society, we have to have laws in place to assure the humane handling of animals for food production, as well as laws in place to prevent sick and dying animals from being slaughtered along with their healthy counter-parts?

North American consumers don't know what goes on behind the walls of slaughterhouses. Is it an urban myth that Paul McCartney once said that, if slaughterhouses had glass walls, we'd all be vegetarian?

The following video clip isn't easy to watch. If you love a family pet, it is hard to imagine cruel and inhumane treatment of an animal, too sick to walk on its own. Never mind the food supply issue; who are these people that are so callous as to treat animals this way?

Warning: This video contains very graphic images.


Once again, I am considering becoming a vegetarian. As I've mentioned in my recent blog on following a Raw Food eating plan, I am investigating what feels right for my heart and soul, and my body. I recommend we all do the same.

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